holiday questionaire

Some questions for a SP10 blog contest:

With the weather turning warmer, many of you are thinking of traveling (though some of you have just returned, you can play along). 1) What do you pack to knit? and 2) What do you hope to shop for?
Assume that you will be gone for ten days to someplace „foreign“ that is known for having great knitting locations. (Bonus: Where would you go on a „knitting holiday“?)

1) I would pack to knit only dpn’s and one ball of sock yarn for very simple socks. Perhaps a lace shawl when I’ve just started with one, it’s not too big and not too heavy for a trip. From experience I know that I’m knitting less on a trip than in my normal live. When I’m in a new city or country there are a lot of other things for me to see or to do.
2) At my last trip to London I was in a few yarn shops because I want to buy some Rowan yarn and I was looking for Sublime Yarns (I didn’t have luck) and it will be the same in October when I’m in London again. And this is also the bonus-answer: the trip to London in October will be a knitting holiday: traveling with knitting friends, purchasing yarn and visiting the Knitting and Stitching Show at Alexandra Palace.

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